[Guide] Training Center Open: How do I upgrade your AKDONG avatar NFTs? (EN)

6 min readAug 10, 2023

Hello, this is JEFF!

The training center where let your avatar NFTs upgrade open soon!

Using Training Center

  • Center opens: 2023.08.11 (Fri) 1:00 AM (UTC)
  • Who can upgrade: AKDONG NFT Holders
  • Main net: ETH network

Upgrade quantities for Higher class, Manager, and Master are limited, so hurry up! (Upgrade program is for FSFC only.)

To get Higher tier NFTs, you need a specific recipe. Please refer to the picture below and follow the guide.


  • Genesis Menager — 2 Genesis Avatars (1 Player, 1 Helper) and $JEFF (25,000 $JEFF or 30,000 $JEFF)

1) Owner = Pioneer+Scientist+$JEFF

2) Planter = Gardener+Scientist+$JEFF

3) Fisher = Engineer+Scientist+$JEFF

  • Genesis Master — A collection of 7 avatars for every class EXCEPT MASTER

[How to upgrade your AKDONG NFT — Manager]

*The guide is for the upgrade of the Genesis Manager.

1. Enter the training center link through the JEFF official Discord.

2. Connect your wallet on the site. Two buttons will appear, then choose the left one, [Upgrade to Genesis MANAGER.]

(You can connect your wallet with Metamask or WalletConnect.)

3. Select the JOB you want to upgrade from the top button, and it shows the remaining quantities to upgrade. After choosing it, enter the details screen!

4. Complete your choosing according to the upgrade requirements and click the [SELECT] button. When you click the SELECT button, an “Approve” transaction will execute. It authorizes the NFTs and $JEFF tokens to be used on the contract. A small ETH gas fees will need to do it.
For $JEFF tokens, you must approve the exact amount of $JEFF required for the upgrade (25,000 $JEFF or 30,000 $JEFF) to proceed normally.

If you want to re-select some of the requirements, you can click [RESET] button. At that point, you will see the transaction to “unapprove”. Please approve your selection again after completion.

5. Are you sure you want to upgrade AKDONG? Please press the [UPGRADE] button to proceed with the upgrade.

6. Click [CONTINUE] to execute the transaction. With the transaction, the selected AKDONG NFTs will burn and the $JEFF token will be locked up for one year. A small amount of ETH is required as a gas fee.

7. After the transaction goes successfully, the complete message will appear. The upgraded MANAGER AKDONG and lock-up certificates (NFT) will receive your wallet.

[How to upgrade your AKDONG NFT — Master]

*The guide is for the upgrade of the Genesis Master.

1. Enter the training center link through the JEFF official Discord.

2. Connect your wallet on the site. Two buttons will appear, then choose the right one, [Upgrade to Genesis MASTER.]

(You can connect your wallet with Metamask or WalletConnect.)

3. Check out the requirements to upgrade to Master! The top button shows the remaining quantities to upgrade.

4. Complete your choosing according to the upgrade requirement and click the [SELECT] button. When you click the SELECT button, an “Approve” transaction will execute. It authorizes the NFTs and $JEFF tokens to be used on the contract. A small ETH gas fees will need to do it.

If you want to re-select some of the requirements, you can click [RESET] button. At that point, you will see the transaction to “unapprove”. Please approve your selection again after completion.

5. Are you sure you want to upgrade AKDONG? Please press the [UPGRADE] button to proceed with the upgrade.

6. Click [Continue] to execute the transaction. With the transaction, the selected AKDONG NFTs will burn. A small amount of ETH is required as a gas fee.

7. After the transaction goes successfully, the complete message will appear. The upgraded MASTER AKDONG will receive your wallet.

[Upgrade to AKDONG NFT Avatar : Q&A]

1. When do upgrades end?

- The upgrade feature in the Training Center doesn’t have an end date — you can upgrade at any time as long as you don’t run out of upgrades. However, AKDONG manager have a different amount of $JEFF locked up depending on the order of upgrade, so the sooner you do it, the better.

2. Why is there a difference in the $JEFF I need to lock up when upgrading to Manager?

- Because there are a limited number of Genesis Avatar upgrades available. We’ve created a different lockup $JEFF for each JOB based on the order in which you upgrade.

The $JEFF you need to lock up for a year consists of 25,000 $JEFF for 1st through 45th. Then 30,000 $JEFF for 46th through 95th. The sooner you upgrade, the more you will benefit.

Ex) If you upgrade Owner from 1st to 45th, you lock up 25,000 $JEFF for a year.

If you’re the 46th to 95th Owner to upgrade, you get 30,000 $JEFF locked up.

3. The numbers of AKDONG that I want to upgrade are ran out. Can I upgrade AKDONG more?

- AKDONG NFT Upgrades are available in limited quantities per JOB. Once a certain JOB to upgrade is ran out, no more upgrades are available for that JOB.

4. How does the reveal of upgraded AKDONG work?

- Upgraded AKDONG will be issued as NFTs and revealed randomly. The metadata of the JOB will be applied within seconds to minutes after the NFT is issued.

5. Why I receive the lockup certificates NFT When I upgrade my AKDONG to manager? And Can I trade it?

- The Lockup Certificate NFT is a token that signifies that you have locked up $JEFF for one year. And you can redeem It at the end of the lockup in the future. If you do not hold the signifying NFT in your wallet, you will not be able to get your $JEFF tokens back.

While lockup NFTs are transferable, we do not encourage secondary trading.

Also, we plan to ensure that lockup certificates are not visible on secondary marketplaces.

6. I made a transaction on a network other than the Ethereum network when upgrading AKDONG. What happens to my upgrade materials and lockup $JEFF?

- Executing the transaction on a network other than Ethereum will not affect the operation. But, the gas fee is consumed during the transaction execution process. So please make sure that you are set to ETHERIUM MAINNET before proceeding with the upgrade!

